I’m a huge fan of Young People in Recovery (YPR). These amazing folks seek to facilitate recovery of adolescents and young adults through a working model of Advocacy & Action. Specifically, YPR works to increase opportunities in employment, housing, education, and other recovery related resources.
YPR is growing nationwide through local/regional chapters. Young people and their allies seek to foster and create “Recovery Ready Communities”, in anticipation of what they believe will ultimately give way to a “Recovery Ready America.”
I’ve pledged to do everything in my power to support greater Brewer’s Chapter of YPR and I’m thrilled to share the news of how all of us can take a small step in that direction:
The film, Generation Found was created by the same folks who created the groundbreaking piece, “The Anonymous People.” According to the film’s site, Generation Found is “…a powerful story about one community coming together to ignite a youth addiction recovery revolution in their hometown.”
YPR Brewer wants to bring this film to the Bangor Cinemas. The theater has agreed to show the film if it can pre-sell at least 59 tickets. The link below allows you to purchase advanced seating for $11 per ticket. (Your credit card will only be charged if the screening is a go).
Please help spread the word. Local members of YPR will use this opportunity to hand out information about YPR – Brewer at the event.
I look forward to the film and to helping develop practical solutions for the young people in our communities who are active in addiction. I want to make the tag line of this movie a reality in our towns:
“Just say no was a slogan. This is a revolution.”